Monday, September 15, 2008

The secret Message in Ferdinand the Bull

The story of Ferdinand the bull, is that rather than fight in the bull ring, a solitary bull would rather sit by, and smell the flowers. What does this show us? Several things I feel. Firstly Ferdinand the bull neither initiates nor accepts the provocations of the matadors to fight. Instead he chooses peace, the desire to be one with nature, and to end the bloodshed. The act of not fighting can be seen as an act of symbolic speech wherein Ferdinand in not fighting is a conscientious objector to his societal status as a bull and that his smelling the flowers is really an act of civil disobedience.

Perhaps it is this civil disobedience that is what allows for peace, and the book shows that to maintain peace, occasionally civil disobedience as a desire for peace must be made visible. Ferdinand also shows us that peace allows for a happy ending, as Ferdinand is in fact one of the few bulls who makes it out of the bull ring, thanks to his resistance.

Call me Crazy for distorting this message out of a children's book, but I'll be sniffing the flowers.


Unknown said...

great take on "the Bull"

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